Wednesday 26 March 2014


In todays lesson I added a news broadcasting sound just infront of the voiceover to reinforce the fact it was a newsreport. I then alligned the voiceover so that the key words such as 'Crime' and 'a nice girl' are heard at the same time that the visual image appears. Both the visuals and sounds reinforce each other providing a strong suggestion that a crime involving the girl will happen.

Tuesday 25 March 2014


We recorded a voice over of a news reader reporting prejudice against immigrants as a result of sensationalist coverage of rising crime figures. We have made particular meanings clear through our sound and vision editing:
  • The word crime occurs at the same moment as Olez, the Ukrainian immigrant, picks up his fish filleting knife. This links the idea of crime to Olez's thoughts.
  • The audience's understanding that Olez is an immigrant is reinforced by the slow tilt pan upwards towards his face occurring as the news reader talks about the plight of immigrants.
  • Olez dreams about his chances with "a nice girl" like his co worker has. His dreams are conveyed through our vision editing technique of the opacity tool combined with slow mo. The words of the Public Affairs Officer for the Migrant Rights Network ("All they want is to find a nice girl and settle down with a good job") occur at the same time.

Thursday 20 March 2014


We developed the back story today through the creation of a news report that drew attention to negative press coverage of immigrant workers. We had noticed sensational news articles where immigrants are depicted as criminals or as depleting essential services. One example is the sensational reports that immigrant mothers were draining the health service budget in hospitals. Others included sensational statistics about immigrant crime. 
Our central character Oles is represented as a Ukrainian immigrant with a job in the service industry. Negative news reports inevitably make him uncomfortable socially and have an impact on how successful he can be when he tries to meet girls. Compared to his younger colleague who works with him on the fish counter, he doesn't stand a chance. Insecurity and jealousy mount.
Today we wrote the script for the voice over spoken by the news reader and the public affairs officer of the Migrant Rights Network

Tuesday 18 March 2014


I created a PIKTOCHART to show how I decided on my final piece of music to accompany my film opening.  Click here to view my PIKTOCHART IN FULL


I used SIMPLEBOOKLET to present what, how and where we filmed our final scene. This is a creative piece of technology which allows users to create an online book which can be viewed by the individual or the public. These are the screenshots from my book.

Creating the booklet

This is what the final pages look like when the booklet is displayed online.

Monday 17 March 2014



We made an ident for our production company Voyager Productions using stop frame animation. It features a boat going on a voyage over a vintage map with the words 'voyager productions' appearing behind the boat, connoting the voyage of discovery taken by the target audience. The ident serves to signal the genre of the production and entice the viewer.


I used Trello to create a to do list online. This app enables me to organize my thoughts in a way which is easy to keep track. By doing this I have identified what I still need to do, what I have done and what I am doing. This enables me to structure what is most important to do first and carry out that task.

Thursday 13 March 2014


This is the original image we took of the actress playing Celine. We felt we needed a close up of an eye to be in accordance with our films title 'An Eye For Danger'

This is our first edit of the original photo. We added a filter to the picture which made the photo sharper and the shade darker. We could not have the photo bright as it would not represent the genre of the film.

This design is a working progress, we feel that the eye is perhaps slightly too dark and will not catch the audiences attention. Therefore we intend to make the eye brighter. This will draw the audiences attention to the eye which is a key element in our film. Also we feel that the picture needs to be cropped slightly so that we cannot see the beginning of the other eye on the face.  All we need to think about now is the slogan which we have not come up with yet.

This is the final poster design. The eye has been brightened to draw attention to it. The title below on the slight red background pops out from the page due to the colour contrast. Our slogan 'Keep one eye open at all times' has been added to entice viewers and is the same as that seen on the website. In the black space in the top left corner the release date is located along with actors names to inform viewers.

Thursday 6 March 2014


In today's lesson we decided what our production company ident should be, we decided on the name Voyager Productions. We will use stop frame animation, iStopMotion. We decided that as our name was going to be Voyager it would be effective to have a boat going on a voyage over a vintage style map with the words 'Voyager Productions' appearing behind the boat.

Wednesday 5 March 2014


I designed the layout of our films website using adope photoshop. I started by researching othe film websites so that I could get an dea of the type of things which needed to be included. After doing so, I decided to start with one main picture from the movie as the backdrop for the website. The still image I chose was the overlay of Amber and the knife as this gives an overview of the film. Over the still image I placed the title using the same font as used for the poster to ensure consistency across both media advertisements. Also I have placed the words 'An Elliot Hogan Film' to allow the website viewers to see who directed the movie thus possibly increasing peoples will to see the film. Slightly above the bottom of the page I added a white band in order to create space for the different neseccary tabs: trailer, videos, downloads, itunes, facebook and twitter. Beneath this white band were a further three stills from the film to create more of an image in any viewers mind about what the film contains.


In today's lesson we filmed the murder scen, this is the scene in which Elliot's character (Olez) kills Amber's character (Celine). This was a difficult scene to film as we had decided to film this scene in a car. We placed Elliot in the backseat of the car and filmed through an open door. We panned from left to right to show amber getting in the car then revealing elliot in the back seat with a knife. The next component of the scene was more difficult. We planned to film from the outside of the window looking in at amber so when she noticed elliot we could see her full reaction. This was difficult due to being able to see the reflection of the camera in the window and the light distorting the picture however, we eventually successfully filmed the necessary shot. 

Tuesday 11 February 2014


When editing our film opening today we used the Opacity tool which allows you to place one clip on top of another. We did this as we wanted to achieve a sense of fantasy, of entering into the thought process of olez, the older man who feels jealous of the younger man and his successful friendships with girls.

Olez is depicted as a troubled character who fantasizes about the beautiful girl who is out of his reach. He broods on images of her, in particular, her long hair and how she moves. He clearly has an unhealthy interest in her as he experiences a mixture if desire and resentment. Using the opacity tool allows us to stimulate the mixture of feelings that he is experiencing and lets the audience into his mental state.


We deliberately introduce images of the sharp fish knife that olez uses for work as he broods on his resentment and frustration. By overlaying images of the girl with images of the knife, we convey how he is starting to think of using violence as an outlet for his feelings. The knife is positioned over the girls body in order to connote violence. 

Monday 10 February 2014


In todays lesson we continued filming. We wanted to establish the setting for the scene and did so by using a left to right pan. We planned the shot so that the wooden panel can be used when editing to have titles appear on it.

We also filmed the scene where Bryn gets ready for his job. We positioned the camera with a slight upward tilt showing the back of Bryn to keep his identity hidden for the time being. This was also done to leave us with an area of white space in the top left of the frame to enable us to add titles.

Also when Elliot comes into the locker room looking angry. We used a downward tilt of Elliot when he through his hat off in anger. We did this to show how his feelings have got on top of him and has forced him to concede to himself.

Thursday 30 January 2014


In today's lesson Elliot, Andy and I continued to film our thriller opening. The first scene we filmed involved myself and Amber walking along the road infront of waitrose together. While at Waitrose we requested permission to film the fish counter. The manager of the store kindly gave us permission so we did a left to right pan of the fish counter. Also while there we bought fish and the workers kindly gave us extra ice to help us set up our next scene. The next scene we filmed involved Elliot behind a fish counter. This was difficult to stage so it looked realistic. We returned to the classroom and we made a set that looked similar to a fish counter, with trays and ice, with the real fish on top. Elliot was dressed in a white coat with a trilby hat. He had a large silver knife to use on the fish. We did several shots of this scene including a close up of the fish, the knife and tilt pans up revealing Elliots face. These are some pictures from the shoot we did in todays lesson.

Monday 27 January 2014


I have recently watched Argo as the film shows the process of distribution and I thought this would be helpful as I am currently doing my evaluation question on distribution. The film also creates a high level of tension which is created and maintained through the camera work and editing.  This technique may be used in my film as I need to create tension in my thriller opening.

Argo is about helping 6 American embassy workers escape from Iran. They do this by making the Iranian revolution believe they are looking for locations in Iran for a new movie. In order to make this movie believable the idea of the film is distributed as if it were a real film. The fake film had posters created, newspaper articles written and a publicized script reading with all the characters in costume.
In the last 10 minutes high levels of tension are created as the 6 escaping Americans try to get through security at the airport and onto the plain. The tension is created by the use of camera work, editing and music.

Thursday 23 January 2014


In today's lesson we went to Waitrose to plan and walk through one of our scenes. This enabled us to visualize how the scene would take place and blocked the shots and positions of the characters.
Outside waitrose to allow the audience to know where Bryn works

Location outside of Waitrose

.... and Celine saying goodbye outside Waitrose

Close up of fish at the fish counter

We visited the fish counter so we could get an idea of what fish we should use for our filming

Thursday 16 January 2014


  • Discovery of a dead body by a detective
  • Over the shoulder shot of detective looking in the file
  • Mid shot of board of pictures relating to the murder


AS Media Studies Thriller film opening - An Eye For Danger 
  • Murder finding scene
  • 20th January 2014
  • Food Tech doorway
  • IMAGE:
  • Crew: [Elliot Hogan, 07789463786,]
  • Crew: [Bryn Williams, 07231774659,]
  • Crew: [Andrew Bownes, 07364889003,] etc..
  • Camera equipment (Cannon 600D, Tripod)
  • Lighting equipment (1x stage light)
  • Props (Fake blood)
  • Wardrobe [Celine]


AS Media Studies
Thriller film opening
Murder victim analysed

  • Shoot date - tbd.
  • Location - Food tech corridor opening

  • Crew: [Elliot Hogan, 07874638282,]
  • Crew: [Bryn Williams, 07835472039,]
  • Crew: [Andy Bownes, 07899395933,] 
  • Crew: [Amber Saville, 07839049290,]
  • Camera equipment (Canon 600D, plus tripod)
  • Lighting equipment (1 x portable stage lights)
  • Props (Amber)


AS Media Studies
Thriller film opening
Celine Fantasy Sequence

  • Shoot date - Monday 20th January
  • Location - School gym

  • Crew: [Elliot Hogan, 07874638282,]
  • Crew: [Bryn Williams, 07835472039,]
  • Crew: [Andy Bownes, 07899395933,] 
  • Crew: [Amber Saville, 07839049290,]
  • Camera equipment (Canon 600D, plus tripod)
  • Lighting equipment (2 x portable stage lights)
  • Props (Amber/Connie)


AS Media Studies
Thriller film opening

  • Location - Claremont Fan court School

  • Crew: [Elliot Hogan, 07874638282,]
  • Crew: [Bryn Williams, 07835472039,]
  • Crew: [Andy Bownes, 07899395933,] 
  • Camera equipment (Canon 600D, plus tripod)
  • Lighting equipment (Portable stage lights)
  • Props (fish knife x2, fish x4, white aprons x2, white trilby hats x2)
  • Wardrobe [white apron and white trilby hat]
  • Wardrobe [white apron and white trilby hat]

Wednesday 15 January 2014


We story boarded the sequence where the two main characters are introduced and decided what order the titles would be in our framing and composition of our shots we know that we need to leave appropriate spaces for these titles to come up. We are currently researching the title of our film.

Order of titles as seen on the screen:
Elliot Hogan as Oles
Bryn Williams as Alex
Amber Saville as Celine

The name Oles has connotations of Eastern Europe (most crime being around these parts)
We chose this name as it is simple, easy to pronounce and a Ukrainian name.
The name Alex is very simple and short for Alexander, Alex is less posh. We chose this name because it is British and very simplistic.
The name Celine has connotations of beauty. We chose this name as it isn't a common or normal name and catches attention.


We spent time deciding on the name of our film title.
  • We want to signal the thriller/crime genre clearly.
  • One key moment in our opening is when Oles, who works behind the supermarket fish counter, is brooding about the beautiful Celine and slams down his knife in frustration. We plan to make a connection between the fish that he is filleting and his thoughts about the girl. To achieve this, we intend to make a match cut between the fish's eye and Celine's eye.
  • Therefore, we started exploring names which included references to eyes, with our first choice being A Watchful Eye but we found this was already being used. 
  • We have chosen to name the film An Eye For Danger


This is a location recce shot: the security light is currently faulty and flashes on and off in a very disconcerting way. Thanks to this fault, this creates an appropriate mood and atmosphere as to where we are going to find our murdered victim.

Tuesday 14 January 2014


  • The still image above is our inspiration for the treatment of our fantasy sequence. We are trying to achieve a visual expression of the murderer's obsession with a girl who is not interested in him.
  • We have decided how to film and display this scene where the girl is fantasized about. 
  • We've chosen to use the white wall in the school gym so we have been down to book to use the gym with the PE department. 
  • We will use strong lighting to cast a shadow of the girl on the back wall. 
  • We intend to edit it in black and white.