Wednesday 5 March 2014


In today's lesson we filmed the murder scen, this is the scene in which Elliot's character (Olez) kills Amber's character (Celine). This was a difficult scene to film as we had decided to film this scene in a car. We placed Elliot in the backseat of the car and filmed through an open door. We panned from left to right to show amber getting in the car then revealing elliot in the back seat with a knife. The next component of the scene was more difficult. We planned to film from the outside of the window looking in at amber so when she noticed elliot we could see her full reaction. This was difficult due to being able to see the reflection of the camera in the window and the light distorting the picture however, we eventually successfully filmed the necessary shot. 

1 comment:

  1. The filming was successful and I have noted how well it fits into the narrative. Your approach was carefully thought out in order to achieve subtlety (not revealing too much too soon) thus maintaining suspense. This is achieved by restricting the frame so that only the murderer's knife is seen, not the man himself, and only at the last minute. You problem solve competently (light reflections).
