Tuesday 26 November 2013


Today I looked into how our film could be distributed. We looked at the FDA website http://launchingfilms.info/furtherdiscussions/ which explained how you'd go about distribution of your film.

David Willings (CEO, Miracle Media Group) said that when people are bombarded with different advertisements, it is challenging just trying to get their attention for two to three seconds to let them know this motion picture is coming.

For Willings, the trailer is still the most important element in selling the film but it is only one element of selling the film. The in cinema trailer is the public's first glimpse of what they may buy into. It is important as the film is portrayed the way it will end up right down to the graphics and sound. There are three different trailers: the teaser, the TV spot trailer and the official trailer.

Other elements include public relations and print elements, and Willings stresses that without synergy they won't all work together. There has to be a unique look which can be as simple as creating a font which becomes associated with the film, such as the unique look of Batman and Spiderman.

The poster appears on the internet, in newspapers and on billboards. Robin Behling (FEREF) says that the importance of these is to signal the film genre and sell the concept. The first look of the movie is key in conveying what the movie is about. They give a taste of the film and must hit as wide an audience as possible.

Multimedia is an important element of distribution. Internet is key here as it allows distributors to create a buzz about the film by creating something viral. Going viral means creating something such as a video, gallery or game which people send on to their friends. This illustrates the two-step flow model of audience behaviour.

The opening weekend is important as it is a prediction of how successful the film will be for the rest of its time in the cinema. 

I will include several of these elements when I plan how to attract and adress my audience for my Foundation Production film, many of which will be seen on my official website for my film.


  1. Very thorough, well presented work that is clear preparation for Evaluation questions 3 and 5.
    Good organization of time on your Foundation Production.

  2. Please add:
    The opening weekend of a film is crucial....
